
Configure Visual Studio to Use File-Scoped Namespaces on New Classes

Filed-scoped namespaces were a new feature added to C# 10. File-scoped namespaces simplify the organization of code by allowing you to declare the namespace at the file level rather than wrapping each type in its own namespace block. This can lead to more readable and concise code with one less layer of curly braces in…

GitHub Enterprise included with Visual Studio Subscription

I learned today that the GitHub Enterprise license is included with your Visual Studio Subscription (previously MSDN subscription). This means that you can use the Enterprise features of GitHub when you tie your VS Subscription with it. Great news for people with that subscription, so you don’t have to pay for both. Here is a…

Getting Started with Minimal WebAPI: Beginner’s Guide

Minimal WebAPIs offer a lightweight and streamlined approach to building web APIs in ASP.NET Core. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the fundamental concepts of Minimal WebAPI development using C#. We’ll cover the basics of creating endpoints, handling requests, and returning responses. Prerequisites To follow along with this guide, you should have a basic…

Level up string manipulation with String Interpolation in C#

String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of software development, allowing us to create dynamic and expressive outputs. In C#, one powerful tool that enhances the readability and simplicity of string manipulation is string interpolation. Let’s explore the benefits and usage of string interpolation in C#, and how it can improve your coding experience. What is…

Use VS Code to Edit WebApi Projects

You can use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as an editor for web API projects. VS Code is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor that provides a rich set of features and extensions for working with various programming languages, including C# and .NET. To work with ASP.NET Web API projects in VS Code, you need to…

RESTful Web APIs Book

I’ve been reading this book on the basics of RESTful API. It has a good description of the basics with a concentration on building hypermedia API. While that was an important part of the original REST definition, it seems to continue to be the least used and more misunderstood. But I recommend this book for…

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